How To File A Sexual Assault In Houston

Sexual assault of a child is a serious offense that can leave permanent emotional, physical, and psychological harm. Thus, in places like Houston, survivors of such assaults and their families have a right to seek justice in both the criminal and civil systems of justice.
However, the process of making a claim is complex and emotionally challenging. Therefore, it is highly recommended to be aware of the procedures required to secure the safety of the child, document evidence, and hold the perpetrator liable.
The knowledge of what to do immediately after the abuse can help a great deal in the investigation process and in determining the course of any trial that follows.
This article is going to walk you through the most important steps in reporting a sexual assault in Houston in cases of children.
1. Consider Legal Representation
One of the most important things to do after hearing that a child has been sexually assaulted is to get professional legal help.
An experienced attorney in cases of child sex abuse can help you navigate the technical process of the law, stand up for the rights of the child, and advocate for their best interest. In Houston, there are a number of lawyers dealing in cases of survivors of child sex abuse.
Thus, if you are seeking legal assistance, consider reaching out to a Houston sexual assault of a child lawyer who can provide the support and guidance you need during this difficult time. They are aware that such cases are sensitive in nature and can assist families in pursuing justice in criminal courts as well as in civil courts.
2. Ensure Their Safety
The immediate need after hearing that a child has been sexually assaulted is to ensure their safety. If a child is in contact with their perpetrator or in a threatening situation, it is of primary importance to get them to a place of safety immediately.
In Houston, you can contact local law enforcement or the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) to receive emergency services.
If you believe that the child is in harm’s way, you can file a protection order in court. Protective orders can legally limit the perpetrator’s approach to or contact with the child and their family. In cases of emergency, a police officer can grant immediate protection in the form of a protection order.
Safety also encompasses offering a caring environment to the child. The child is vulnerable, confused, and terrified after sexual abuse. Assure them that everything is alright and that it is not their fault. One needs to listen to the child without insisting on details or judging them.
3. Seek Medical Attention
After ensuring that the child is in a secure position, a medical checkup is a natural next step. Even without visible injuries, a medical checkup is also necessary for the health of the child, in addition to gathering forensic evidence. In Houston, hospitals and specialist clinics have medical practitioners experienced in handling cases of sexual abuse in a sensitive manner.
A Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) is a registered nurse who is specifically trained to conduct forensic examinations. The SANE nurse is capable of determining the status of the child’s body and emotions, collecting evidence, and recording evidence that is admissible in a court of law. The examination may consist of collecting specimens, photographing wounds, and providing required medical procedures.
4. Preserve Evidence
Preserving evidence is also paramount in order to establish a solid case of sexual abuse. The evidence can support the child’s account, implicate the perpetrator, and strengthen the case in criminal and civil courts. The evidence must be secured and documented immediately after abuse by the family.
If the child is not already changed, dress in a paper bag (not a plastic bag) to prevent contaminating clothing worn during the assault. Do not bathe, brush teeth, or wash any areas of the body that would be a potential source of forensic evidence until after a medical examination.
If there is any material associated with the assault that is found on or around the body, such as bedding, handle it gently and put it in separate paper bags.
In Houston, one of the key tools employed to preserve evidence when providing trauma-informed services to survivors of child abuse is the Children’s Assessment Center (CAC). The CAC conducts forensic interviews in a child-friendly environment using professional interviewers. The interviews are occasionally taped and can be presented in a court of law without a child having to retell their ordeal repeatedly.
5. Report the Assault
Reporting the crime to the police is a primary step in seeking justice and preventing other possible victims. In Houston, you can report it to the Houston Police Department (HPD) or to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, depending on the location of where it took place.
If the child is in immediate danger, you need to call 911 to inform emergency services. Also, in a non-emergency situation, you can contact the Houston Police Department’s Special Victims Division, which is tasked to handle cases of child sex abuse.
Wrapping Up
Filing a child’s sexual assault case in Houston is a complex yet mandatory procedure to get justice done and secure the safety of the child. Every step, beginning from acquiring a representative in a court of law to arranging safety and receiving medical treatment, collecting evidence, and reporting the crime, plays a crucial role in making a strong case and helping in the recovery of the child.
It is crucial that families feel that they are not isolated in their struggles. There are a multitude of resources in Houston that provide experienced lawyers, child advocacy centers, and medical professionals educated to approach cases of child sex abuse in a caring manner.